Cultivating Contentment in Your Current Digs

The Denver Area Real Estate Market continues to set records and sell like hotcakes, and chances are if you’ve been trying to purchase a home in Metro Denver, it’s taking longer than you expected. 

If you’re feeling stuck in your current abode, then keep reading. It’s frustrating to spin your wheels while you wait for the market to cool a bit so you can get into your next home, but in the meantime, there are ways to embrace where you live right now. 


You’re planning to move, anyway. Use the time between now and when you close on your next home to declutter every dresser, closet, kitchen and bathroom drawer, the basement and garage. If you start right away, you can go at a leisurely pace and have less stuff to move. 


Whether you’ll be selling your place or you are currently renting, coming home to a bit of refreshed curb appeal will brighten your outlook. Put up a pair of matching planters on either side of the door, hang a wreath, and replace the welcome mat. These are small investments that offer a lot of impact. 


Pick up a fresh set of sheets or a new comforter, a cool pair of lamps or a fun piece of art that matches your existing decor. If you’ve been planning to move, you may not have paid much attention to the decor in your bedroom. Updated bedding or accessories will come along with you to your next house, and you can enjoy a bit of an upgrade now while you wait. 


You know what adds a little shine to any place you live? A good cleaning! If you’re bothered to be stuck in your current home while you try to buy a new place, consider investing in house cleaning. Whether you hire someone once or on an ongoing basis, letting someone else hunt down dust bunnies and make your home’s surfaces shine will put a smile on your face and help you enjoy your house while you #HurryUpAndWait to get into someplace new. 


If you’ve put your life on hold while you try to purchase a home, stop doing that! Invite family, friends, or neighbors over for dinner or a game night. Offer to host your book club in your home. Let your kiddos plan a slumber party. It’s tempting to put all your time and energy into your house hunt, but if you neglect your hobbies, passions, and relationships while you look for a house — you won’t have anyone left to invite over when you move. 

Falling back in love with your home when you’re planning to move is all about perspective. Even when you know your current home is temporary, you can choose to enjoy the benefits of your space and location now, to make your time there that much more fulfilling.  


Jack Meyers  


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